Sirampog Potensial Area

The Classification of the data, We believe are necessary in order mapping (Mapping) of an area to obtain accurate and reliable data. so this will become the benchmark or a foothold in policy decisions, everywhere should be prioritized.
for that we classify into some of the potential that could be developed in the district Sirampog:
1. Economic potential
Agriculture: rice (at the bottom of districts Sirampog: Benda, Kaliloka, Manggis, Plompong, Buniwah, Mendala), vegetables (region Sirampog Part of: Igirklanceng, Dawuhan, Batursari, Wanareja, Sridadi, Kaligiri and some Mendala)
Plantation: Coconut, Bamboo, pine (only in areas Sirampog The upper part, and now much reduced because the land in sown vegetables, potatoes carrots, etc. by local residents., And other woody like besiar and mahogany.
Industry: home industry (kerajian from bamboo and wood, making tofu, tempeh, etc.), ricemill, etc.
Sirampog market, morning market objects, toko-toko/warung-warung.

2. Tourism potential
Agrotourism in sirampog part horticultural vegetable producers (ibid)
water tours; almost in all villages in the district there Sirampog springs and rivers there are also sentence, pants, tlahab, cloudy, Curug daughter, tuk jaya, wells bride, etc..
natural attractions: the slopes of Mount Slamet, a mountain bowl, trace their ancestors.
art tour: tambourine, art martial arts.
Third. Educational potential
- Formal education: SMAN I Sirampog, SMK Al-Hikmah, SMA Al-Hikmah, MA Alhikmah 1 and 2, MTs Al-Hikmah 1 and 2, SMP N 1.2 and 3 Sirampog, Junior 1 and 2, SMK, MA and MTs, MTS Plompong, Kaligiri, MTs Banjarsari (Mangosteen), buniwah, Mendala, Dawuhan, etc.. SD and MI have spread in 13 villages in District Sirampog.
- Non-Formal Education: boarding school Banjarsari, Kaliloka, plompong, and the biggest thing.
4. Potential Human resources:
Many graduates of Bachelor of various departments, farmers, businessmen, executor, legislators, scholars, teachers, etc. who mimiliki competence in accordance with their respective fields.
5. Potential Organization
Organizations under the auspices of KNPI almost all there.
How wonderful if all this potential synergy. I believe that the construction will be equitable and proportionate and sustainable and social welfare increases, the PAD region participated, was also a healthy environment, dignity, and is seen feeling too good.
otherwise if not then the resulting synergy is a catastrophe, and woe to those people who do not want to "think" as Allah Almighty says "mischief on earth, the sky and at sea caused by human behavior ........ .................". for it lets together in synergy to prevent things we do not want.

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