
philosophy (Greek philosophía, literally 'love of wisdom') tries to explain the world and human existence is to interpret and understand. Of the other sciences, it differs in that it does not cover a specific area or a specific methodology is limited, but by the nature of their problems and their particular approach to its wide variety of subject areas is characterized.

The beginnings of philosophical thought in the West go to 6 pre-Christian century. In the ancient philosophy unfolded in systematic and science-oriented thinking of the Occident. Over the centuries the various different methods and disciplines in the world of science and development, directly or indirectly, from philosophy, to some extent, as opposed to irrational or religious world views and mythologies.

Core areas of philosophy, the logic (as the science of logical thinking), ethics (the science of right action) and metaphysics (the science of the first reason of being and reality). Other disciplines are the basic knowledge and scientific theory, which deals with the possibilities of finding profits in general and specifically with the knowledge of the different ways individual sciences.


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